Refactor calculator
This calculator assists in making informed decisions about whether to refactor an existing software application or completely rebuild it. By inputting various factors such as technical debt, feature completeness, team expertise, time and cost constraints, and risk level, the calculator evaluates the most suitable approach. It provides a clear recommendation based on the calculated scores, helping stakeholders navigate the complexities of software development projects efficiently.
The extent of code complexity, bugs, and outdated technologies.
The importance this factor has in your project
How close the application is to meeting current and future requirements.
The importance this factor has in your project
The team's familiarity and experience with the existing codebase and the technologies used.
The importance this factor has in your project
The available time for either refactoring or developing a new application.
The importance this factor has in your project
The financial cost associated with a rebuild or refactor.
The importance this factor has in your project
The level of uncertainty or exposure to potential adverse events associated with both refactoring and starting from scratch
The importance this factor has in your project
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